What is the benefit of ISO 9001 certification
When it comes to corporate quality management, one standard in particular has gained worldwide acceptance: ISO 9001. Since 1979, standards like these have helped companies improve performance at all levels. Those who implement the requirements can achieve numerous benefits. Regular auditing and certification by independent providers such as TÜV also sends an important signal to their customers: In this company, the quality is right, and it is reliable. However, ISO 9001 can do even more.
As early as 1979, the British Standards Institution (BSI) made a start with its first standard for quality management systems. BS 5750 is considered the forerunner of the ISO 9000 series of standards, which has been in existence since 2000. The resulting ISO 9001 has long since become one of the most widely accepted standards in quality management. By the end of 2009, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) had already counted over one million certificates issued based on the ISO 9001 standard in over 170 countries. In Germany, ISO is preceded by the name of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN).
Strategic quality management
In several revision steps, DIN ISO 9001 has been updated since its debut at the turn of the millennium and adapted to the increasing demands on corporate activities. Unlike the technical DIN standards, which are also widely used, the quality management standard deals with numerous aspects of company practice, which are to be optimized with its help.
The current ISO 9001 2015 requires, in addition to the fulfillment of its own numerous standard requirements, also and above all a strategic decision of the company management, which is to be realized and lived in the company. Principles for quality management – from customer orientation and the structuring of relationships with external partners such as suppliers to requirements for corporate culture – serve here as guidelines for the actions of the company’s management. End-to-end process orientation and fact-based decision-making at all times are designed to systematize actions, make them transparent and also contribute to the sustainable success of the company.
A standard with many winners
The demanding action concept of ISO 9001 thus demands a great deal from the companies that commit to it, even if this is entirely voluntary. No wonder, then, that the effort involved in setting up and complying with processes is often criticized. In particular, many would like to avoid the audits, the inspections by organizations such as TÜV, which are carried out at regular intervals.
Nevertheless, certification is worthwhile for the company and for all those who work in and deal with it. The larger and more complex the organization, the more valuable the development of clearly defined processes proves to be and the more worthwhile it is to adhere to them in everyday practice.
Because there are many winners: Employees appreciate it when clear expectations are placed on them and when they, in turn, can place such expectations on their workplace and internal cooperation. Suppliers can plan better if they know what criteria their business partner will use to make decisions and what conditions are expected of them, whether in terms of quality, on-time delivery, or probably both. Customers can be sure that the certified company will not disappoint them and reward this with greater trust and loyalty – in the business-to-business sector, ISO 9001 certification has therefore long been an important selection criterion when purchasing. And investors, finally, get a hint that they’re engaging with a partner that’s got its act together.
WSM is also certified
WSM is also certified according to the current ISO 9001:2015. Quality in metal, after all, is what our company has been advertising with for many years and thus makes a promise that every one of our customers can rely on at all times. In addition to numerous certifications in areas of production technology, compliance with ISO 9001 also serves this goal. Therefore, we are pleased to have recently completed the renewed certification with a good result – a commitment for us and a signal to our customers that they can continue to trust in WSM, from advice on our products to support long after the purchase.