Safety makes school
Unlit bus stops and passenger shelters in dark environments are a source of danger for the people who actually seek shelter at them. Schoolchildren are particularly affected, as their attention is often focused on things other than approaching vehicles. Fluorescent stickers and retroreflective sheeting on the passenger shelter with warnings and clear symbols help increase motorists’ awareness during the day and night. Modern lighting systems also increase the safety of those waiting. Examples that should set a precedent.
Good reflexes
The simplest way to increase passive safety in the passenger shelter is to use reflective sheeting or also called reflective sheeting or retroreflective sheeting. Glued to side panels and rear panels, they send light emitted by vehicle headlights back in its original direction, regardless of the angle of incidence.
The intensity with which the incident light is reflected corresponds to different reflection or power classes (RA1, RA2, RA3) The higher the reflection class, the stronger the effect. The choice of the correct reflective class when using reflective tape depends on the installation site/place of use/purpose.
Rule of thumb here: the brighter the environment, the higher the reflex class should be selected; the higher the permitted driving speed, the higher the reflex class should be selected. For passenger stands on poorly lit or unlit country roads where people drive fast, high reflectance classes are recommended because bright reflection is perceived more quickly. In an urban set-up situation, perhaps even in a 30 mph zone, a low reflective class will suffice, but if the environment itself is illuminated or has conspicuous light sources, a higher class that can keep up with the ambient light is appropriate.
Important: It is not the pure brightness of an object that determines its perceptibility, but the contrast in which it stands to its surroundings.
Clear lettering such as “Caution on the way to school!” and corresponding symbols additionally increase the attention-grabbing effect of reflective films. In addition, the risk of collisions between birds and the glass surfaces of bus shelters can be avoided by applying adhesive films.
Highlights with LED
LED systems for lighting passenger shelters and bus shelters can also increase passenger safety. On the one hand, they provide a safe feeling for all those who do not like to stand in the dark – which should apply to most people. Theft and harassment are thus, if not prevented, at least made more difficult.
The extremely energy-saving yet high-intensity systems can either be designed as visible luminaires or integrated into the Shelter system in a concealed manner. In the second variant, they indirectly illuminate glass surfaces and printed or etched motifs.
Designers will have to make a trade-off in any case: The more discreet the lighting appears, the lower its signaling effect for vehicle drivers is in all likelihood. What is appropriate for bus stops at schools or along school routes may seem rather unsuitable for inner-city promenades for aesthetic reasons and also superfluous due to lower vehicle speeds. Technically, at least, all options are available.