Bavarian building code
Bavarian Building Code (BayBO) as published on August 14, 2007, Art. 47; 81
Extract from the parking regulations
Art. 47 Parking spaces, authorization to issue ordinances
(1) If facilities are erected where access or departure traffic is to be expected, parking spaces shall be provided in sufficient number and size and in a suitable condition. In the event of changes or changes in the use of facilities, parking spaces shall be provided in such number and size that the parking spaces can accommodate the additional motor vehicles expected as a result of the change.
Art. 81 Local building regulations
(1) 4. municipalities may, by bylaws within their own sphere of action, issue local building regulations on the number, size and nature of parking spaces for motor vehicles and parking spaces for bicycles, including the provision of electric charging stations, the additional requirements in the event of changes and changes of use of the facilities, as well as the redemption of the obligation to build and the amount of the redemption amounts, which may be regulated differently according to the type of use and location of the facility. Summary: In sufficient number and size.
This (Art 47 (1), editor's note) does not apply if otherwise the creation or renewal of housing, even taking into account the possibility of replacement under para. 3 No. 3 would be significantly impeded or prevented. (3) The parking space obligation can be fulfilled by
1. production of the necessary parking spaces on the building plot,
2. production of the necessary parking spaces on a suitable plot of land in the vicinity of the building plot, if its use for this purpose is legally secured vis-à-vis the legal entity of the building supervisory authority, or
3. assumption of the costs for the construction of the necessary parking spaces by the developer vis-à-vis the municipality (replacement contract).
(2) The number of necessary parking spaces according to para. 1 sentence 1 shall be determined by the State Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Transport by statutory order. If the number of required parking spaces is specified by a local building regulation or an urban development statute, this number shall be decisive.
Status: 14.08.2007 / Quote from: State Building Code of Bavaria