
State Building Code Hesse

Hesse Building Code (HBO) 2018 §§ 52; 81

Extract from the parking regulations

§ 52 Garages, parking spaces for motor vehicles, parking spaces for bicycles

(1) The municipalities shall determine, taking into account the local traffic conditions, whether and to what extent suitable parking spaces for motor vehicles, including motor vehicles of persons with disabilities, must be provided when constructing, modifying or changing the use of facilities where incoming or outgoing traffic is to be expected in order to meet the requirements of stationary traffic (necessary parking spaces).

(4) Up to one quarter of the necessary parking spaces may be replaced by parking spaces for bicycles. In this case, four parking spaces for bicycles shall be created for one necessary parking space; half of these shall be counted towards the obligation under para. 5.(...)

(5) When constructing facilities, suitable parking spaces for bicycles shall be provided in such number that they are sufficient for the proper use of the facilities (necessary parking spaces). This applies accordingly to the additional demand for parking spaces for bicycles triggered by changes or changes in the use of facilities. The parking spaces for bicycles must be accessible without thresholds. If no deviating regulation is made by statute of the municipality, necessary parking spaces in design, size and number must be subject to a legal ordinance according to § 89 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 3. Para. 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the statutes of the municipality.

Summary: Determination by municipalities. Criteria: Requirements of stationary traffic, sufficient for proper use of facilities.


If a municipality makes use of the authorization in the bylaws pursuant to sentence 1 nos. 1 to 3, it shall determine in the bylaws the location as well as the size, number and nature of the necessary parking spaces, taking into account the type and number of existing and expected vehicles of the persons who permanently use the facilities or visit them. The municipality may, if a statute according to sentence 1 No. 1 to 3 for parking spaces does not exist, require the construction of parking spaces in individual cases if this is necessary due to the safety or ease of traffic. In a statute pursuant to sentence 1 no. 7, the municipality may specify the conditions for the redemption in more detail.


§ 91 HBO - Local building regulations

(1) The municipalities may, by statute, issue regulations on the equipment, design, size and number of parking spaces for motor vehicles and parking spaces for bicycles.

Status: 25.08.2018 / Quote from: State Building Code of Hesse

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