Bicycle parking spaces and parking facilities in the building codes of the German federal states
The number of parking spaces required has long been specified in state building codes. With new regulations on parking spaces and parking facilities for bicycles, the state building codes are now also responding to the increasing importance of environmentally friendly bicycle mobility in Germany. Municipalities can adapt the provisions made there to the respective local conditions by means of their own parking space statutes.
Change needs order
Building codes and state building codes are an essential part of public building law. They determine the legal requirements for construction projects - from the plot of land to details of the development. Since the first municipal building codes were drawn up in the late Middle Ages, the statutory law of the local authorities has taken into account the demands of the diverse interests of the residents and users of the public space and reflected the respective issues of the time with its change: Whereas the defense against dangers and general public order were initially at the center of the ordinances, ensuring barrier-free accessibility and mobility and also environmental protection concerns have long since been included.
The Model Building Code (MBO) ensures that the regulations are largely standardized throughout Germany. It is constantly updated by the Conference of Construction Ministers, in which all federal states are represented. The state building codes therefore contain regulations that are essentially the same, differing only in details. Builders will nevertheless find important standards there to guide their construction projects.
Municipal development and parking space requirements
Recent developments in state building codes provide for greater involvement of municipalities in the building code regulation of public spaces. This gives cities and municipalities the opportunity to set their own specifications. You can decide for yourself how and to what extent parking spaces for motor vehicles and bicycles are to be created in construction projects.
With its own parking space statutes, every city and municipality can exert influence on the design of construction projects and on urban and traffic development. The advantage: Municipal parking space statutes can be differentiated and tailored to local conditions and development strategies, and can thus be used for municipal traffic development and mobility management.
Model parking space statutes, such as the one adopted by the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament in 2016, are intended to make it easier for cities and municipalities to draw them up and harmonize their application throughout the state.