State Building Code Baden-Württemberg
State Building Code for Baden-Württemberg (LBO) in the version of March 5, 2010, §§ 35; 37, last amended by Article 1 of the Act of July 18, 2019 (GBl. No. 16, p. 313), entered into force on August 1, 2019.
Extract from the parking regulations
§ 35 Apartments
(4) In buildings with more than two apartments, areas for parking baby carriages and walking aids must be available for common use, if possible at ground level or easily accessible by ramps or elevators.
§ 37 Parking spaces for motor vehicles and bicycles, garages
(1) When constructing buildings with apartments, a suitable parking space for motor vehicles shall be provided for each apartment (necessary motor vehicle parking space). In the construction of other structures and other facilities where access and egress traffic is anticipated, necessary motor vehicle parking spaces shall be provided in such numbers as are sufficient for the proper use of the facilities, taking into account local public transportation. (...) Up to one quarter of the necessary motor vehicle parking spaces pursuant to sentence 2 may be replaced by the creation of bicycle parking spaces. Four bicycle parking spaces must be created for each parking space for a motor vehicle; the bicycle parking spaces created in this way are not counted towards the obligation under paragraph 2.
(2) Bicycle parking spaces shall be provided during the construction of structural facilities where access and departure traffic with bicycles is to be expected. Their number and nature is determined by the regular demand to be expected according to the type, size and location of the facility (necessary bicycle parking spaces). Required bicycle parking spaces must be easily accessible from the public traffic area and provide effective anti-theft protection; if they are to be provided for apartments, they must also be weather-protected.
(3) In the event of changes or changes of use of facilities, parking spaces or garages shall be constructed in such numbers that the additional motor vehicles and bicycles expected as a result of the change can be accommodated. Sentence 1 does not apply to the division of dwellings or to projects for the creation of additional living space through expansion, extension, change of use, addition or change of roof, if the building permit or notice for the building was issued at least five years ago.
(4) The building code authority may permit necessary parking spaces or garages to be constructed only within a reasonable time after completion of the development. It shall suspend construction as long as and to the extent that there is a demonstrable lack of need for parking spaces or garages and the areas required for their construction are secured for this purpose by building encumbrance.
(5) The necessary parking spaces or garages shall be made
1. on the building plot,
2. on another property within a reasonable distance; or
3. with the consent of the municipality on a plot of land in the municipality.
Production on a site other than the building site must be secured for this purpose by building encumbrance. If traffic reasons so require, the building authority may, with the consent of the municipality, determine whether the parking spaces or garages are to be built on the building lot or on another lot.
§ 37 Parking spaces for motor vehicles and bicycles, garages
(4) The building code authority may permit necessary parking spaces or garages to be constructed only within a reasonable time after completion of the development. It shall suspend construction as long as and to the extent that there is a demonstrable lack of need for parking spaces or garages and the areas required for their construction are secured for this purpose by building encumbrance.
(6) If necessary motor vehicle parking spaces or garages pursuant to Paragraph 5 cannot be constructed or can only be constructed with great difficulty, the building authorities may, with the consent of the municipality, permit the developer to pay a sum of money to the municipality in order to fulfill the parking space obligation. (...) The municipality determines the amount of money.
Administrative regulation on § 37 (2)
Bicycle stands must be constructed in such a way that they are accessible at ground level, by elevators or ramps, whereby up to two steps are permissible, they have a connection facility for the bicycle frame, the bicycle is provided with a secure stand by means of a leaning bracket, they have a length of 2 m plus the necessary tramlines and maneuvering areas, and a minimum distance of 0.80 m between the bicycle stands enables the bicycle, including the frame, to be parked and connected. The construction of simple front bike stands is not permitted. Space requirements can be reduced by using space-saving bicycle parking systems such as double-deck parking systems. Such systems must ensure easy usability. (VwV Stellplätze) Re § 37 Para. 2, as amended on 28.05.2015, Ref.:41-2600.0-13/187
Status: 18.07.2019 / Quote from: State Building Code of Baden-Württemberg